don't postpone joy

Thursday, September 22, 2005

don't mess around with sue

Break out the frying pan and pooper scooper!
Rita may be about to hit Galveston, but Suzana et al. are on their way up here!

I was an hour late for work this morning...running around cleaning toilets and changing sheets in anticipation of the arrival of said maternal figure.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Rain, Rain, Go AWAY

Rita, Schmita.
My mom just called to inform me that she's back from Paris...oooh laa laa...AND that if the Hurricane hits Galveston, as scheduled, they are fucking evacuating to my fucking address! Somebody please hit me in the side of the head with a frying pan.

Fuck. I had a busy day. Meetings, more meetings, home visits, then night job, which I was purposely late to---and the boss of the whole conglomeration was there (NICE) She was less than impressed (and rightly so) I was glad she showed up so that she could see what a fucking zoo that place is (of no fault of my own, thank goodness) then she tried to tell me that I need to be a key holder, since I am the boss...sounds fair, except the program is held in a church, two nights a week...and they want me to have a key to this humongous place, and have the alarm code. As soon as someone steals the tithe safe, I'm goin downtown. No thanks!

this sounds so choppy---I am in charge of a English as a Second language teaching site (big hairy deal, I get to be in charge of 6 teachers) this is a new site, and nobody knows who's coming or going. You couldn't give two shits, I know. I really don't give 2 shits either, except for the fact that I just got a fucking thousand dollar phone bill, thanks to the fiasco this summer (although an offer has been made to share expenses, I have yet to see a payment) I still have homeowners, and property taxes to worry about, too. Which would have been all OK, had I not lent that money out. So I find myself working my proverbial ass off, for no actual benefit. Hopefully, I'll be dug out of this by Christmastime...actually, I hope I'm out by Thanksgiving, because that's when my nephew is due to enter the world, and I'd like to have some loot (notice the pirate reference) to take to him!

I called the best and worst ex-boyfriend, today. The one who dumped me because he thought I'd gain weight, and make it back to 220. Anyway, today is his birthday. Just called to wish him a happy day. What a fucker. I'm glad he was a dick though...makes it all the easier to keep not wanting him (and that positive reinforcement isn't even why I called him)

If my fucking mom moves in here for 2 weeks, I'm gonna start crapping on the living room floor. She did say, however, that if they relocate here, they're gonna need cable. THAT would be a good thing.

I made this post brown. Everything I talked about is shitty, I know.

Except for this: My little boss gave me a great compliment today, in front of the big boss. It was nice that he noticed the good job I've been doing. For that matter, he's great like that. Last week he put a note in my mailbox saying how how impressed he is with me. He loves the passion and caring interest that I impart to my students and their families...and that he knows this to be true, not only because he sees it, but because they tell him.

There's always good with shitty.

Feetman78, today I pick Julie. No Rita, PLEASE!!!
Oh, by the way...just to prove how spontaneous I can be...I stopped in at Foley's and picked up a new little outfit...I didn't have time to shop for shoes, but I do have some cute ones that go.(which isn't to say that I won't go out another time and make that purchase)
I know. I know. I was irresponsible, not spontaneous. No dinero, does not mean new outfit.
So sue me.

And while you're at it, please hop on one foot and chant like an Indian...NO RITA!!! (marga-ritas are allowed, however)

Monday, September 19, 2005


I totally forgot!!!!

Today was International Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!!!!!!
Well, blow me down and shiver me timbers...

"Steve, you're not a pirate"
(courtesy Dodgeball, 2005)

The Passion of the Blogger

I have such strong feelings about God, or Whatever you chose to call this Entity. I really do try and see the points of others, as it makes for food for my brain. I am not closed minded enough to believe that I hold the only answers. I have my own roadmap, and am very comfortable following it. Sometimes my route changes, but in the end, all roads lead to God. I am not to the point, however, where athiest beliefs do not bother me. Is bother the right word? I think so. It's not so much that I do not feel comfort without a God/Allah/Buddah/He/She (because I will never be without)--it's that they seem so uncomfortable. So many seem so angry, and unwilling to have an intelligent conversation;open to no God, but closed to anything else. Anger energy wasted, causing dis ease and discomfort. Blaming this that and the other, when blame is totally unnecessary. I know this will be a test of patience for me, as I value your opinions and points of view. There is no right or wrong opinion, answer, or name. God does not condemn us for our beliefs; it was God who gave us free will with which to choose as we see fit.
It is no coincidence that God created you, me, Hitler, Buddah, Jesus, Mohammed Atta and Mother Theresa...also no secret that God loves us all the same. Knowledge of God's existance is What you see when you say I have a beautiful smile. God is What you can see when you say you see my soul through my eyes. And God is the Peace you feel when you're near me or in my home. If you have ever in your life felt Love, then you know God, too.

I stumbled upon a new blog tonight that made me think :
and of course one of my closest blog buddies: always has debateable commentary on influences thereof (mixed in with lots of boobies--which, by the way, God created, as well)

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Go right through for MSU

Did you see my mighty Spartans almost blow it, and then come right through to beat the Irish??? I can take none of the credit, as I only got to watch the first half.
I had the ball to go to, and had to be formal clad by 6:00. The dress didn't get me laid, but it clearly could have. That's really good enough. I'll tell you something it did make me realize...when you are drunk off your ass, the only people who who really take you seriously, are others who are ass drunk. I had fun, don't get me wrong, but it was difficult to feel the least bit flattered by the best looking guy in the place, when he almost dumped me on the dancefloor. I am not judging him, just making an observation that I wish I'd have paid closer attention to in the past. I did see it, but never quite in this light.
The ball was for the Dallas Mayor's Commision for the furthering employment of disabled people. I had no idea there was such a commission. Several people with various disabilities, received scholarships, Mary Kay Ashe was honored posthumously for the way she treated her special employees and for the opportunities she made possible for them, and other people with disabilities were honored for their accomplishments and groundbreaking advances in their communities.
My role at this event, was to be a "twinkle". I paraded around with cuff-links designed especially for this evening...selling raffle tickets for the cuff-links and for several fund-raising packages. It was fun. Fancy dress, lobster and prime-rib, adn a never ending wine cask. The dress part, as you may have guessed, was my favorite part. I love getting all dolled up.
The honorable mayor Laura Miller did not attend. However, the local newsguy Mike (Snyder I think is his last name) was there with his VERY young wife. I'm only commenting on it because I am not married, and pay careful attention to those who are. when I see people with a 30 year age difference I just wonder. He's 50 somthing. Is the sex THAT good? She's 20 somthing, does she think he's hot? That's a huge sparkly rock there on her finger...I wonder if he wanted to give her that gleaming trinket, or if she demanded it. Were her parents happy that she married someone older than them? Who are their friends? People her age, or the guys that he works with at the news station? How did they meet? How long did they date? Is she his trophy, or does he really get weak in the knees when he sees her? Do his bifocals make her giggle? Is she worried that they won't grow old together? does he worry that she'll run off with a younger man? Or are they kindred spirits, whose paths have crossed again--just happy to warm in the mutual glow?
By the way...I know this was a bit deceiving by the I will close by saying: I love my Michigan State Spartans, and am glad to see a hash mark in the win matter how it ended up there.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I've spent some time at Kurt booth's (sorry, but I still haven't learned how to link to anyplace else...) or maybe I have. blog today. Made me think. and giggle.
He asked about the craziest thing you've ever done. I read the entry before...but there was more today.
He's jumped out of an airplane.
I would sooooooooo love to jump out of an airplane. I don't happen to think that's crazy at all. Thinking about it, I don't actually know what constitutes crazy, in my mind.

Here are some of the things I've done in my life that I know other people think are crazy:

(Remembering these things have kept me entertained here, for the better part of an hour!)

Picked up a hitch hiker
helped strangers
had sex on the 50 yard line of a high school football field (as an adult)
went to a non-english speaking country by myself. twice. no electricity or running water
took in a 20 year old black kid
driven when I'd had too much to drink
got 2 tattooes (is that how you spell that? it doesn't look right)
worked on an oil pipeline
even though we just met that day, I had sex with this guy named Gino...only after I let him shave me
wore short skirts to work (I'm a school teacher)
still do stuff on dares
pole danced...even though I have no actual experience in that department
canopy jumped
got 5 piercings in one ear
let first dates pick me up at my house
joined and still participate in Kiwanis (which is an organization made up mostly of retired old men)
and of course, the obligatory: been with another woman
the list just goes on...
I, personally don't think any of those things are crazy.
Although I do frequent my backyard naked, I have never run up and down the street that way.
and even though I'm still polishing off that cake batter from last night, I don't think it's "normal"...but not exactly crazy, either.

(Please note: I purposely excluded the gallons of alcoholic concoctions guzzled, pounds of smoked reefer, and hundreds of speckled speed capsules swallowed... and speaking of swallowing!...)

I'll tell you something else other people think is crazy...I pray for Dubya and Bin Laden honestly, and wholeheartedly...and I think I'm still a card carryin Democrat.
Oh, and don't forget, I forgave Ron for all that shit he pulled...nobody I know thinks that's not crazy.
I believe my Grandfather came to my room after he'd been dead 6 months
I don't save enough for my retirement---that's probably crazy
I've never done it with a farm THAT would be crazy!
did it.
thought of a crazy thing. what's crazy for me, though, may not be crazy for you...who am I to judge?
I'll tell ya what, I wouldn't mind it if someone were crazy for me...ONLY if I could be crazy for them at the same time

Tomorrow's hump day.
Then Half Nekid Thursday(which I always forget about)
Then Friday (I have a date, by the way)
Saturday I am working some Mayor's ball---so I get to wear my only formal
no rest till Sunday

I'm all crazied out

I also keep a nine millimeter close to me as I sleep.
I am THIS CLOSE to just quitting my job today, and finding another one where I can just travel the world and talk to hundreds of people at one time. Either that or find a way to go to Africa. Or New Orleans.
Sometimes I read my posted blogs like 14 times.
I care. I mean really care, about everyone I know. Whether I like em or not.
I've contemplated suicide, homicide, and bank robbery.

see what a little sleep can do for crazy?!!

Monday, September 12, 2005

maybe a LITTLE kooky??

I can't tell if this is good or bad, but I"ve been thinking about sex lately...
which I haven't done since July
I'm trying to keep my weight down, except for tonight
I was weak.
I made a cake mix.
Ate half the batter
don't wanna throw the rest away but don't have a pan small enough to cook what's left
so I put it in the fridge for another time
that was my treat after my hearty dinner of tuna on rice crackers
with avocado and homegrown basil as my side salad thingy.
shit, my belly hurts!
Oh, and everytime I see some paper blowing, or something like that out of the corner of my eye...
I think it's a cat

Friday, September 09, 2005


I've been busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.

I've been working 3 jobs and haven't even paid my stupid bills yet, and it's the NINTH! (none of them are late, but get paid the 1st of every month) You'd think that with one full time job and two part timers, I'd be rollin. NOt so. I am a terrrible manager of $$. I can pay what I owe and everything, I can even do stuff--but I just got a $1000 dollar phone bill from the fiasco this summer, so I've got THAT goin for me. I give it away. Money, I mean. Well, I give THAT away too, but not so much, anymore...that's a whole other blog entry--anyway.
I own a house and a car. Nothing fancy. But nice, yes. I buy shoes. and lately a few new clothing items, (I know I shouldn't boast) but with some recent weight loss, I am hotter than ever! (well, maybe not hotter than college--but that was the 80's, we were all hot then) I have a small savings account and a modest retirement thingy in place...and I really believe that hoarding $$ takes up space where new money can go; which translates into, whatever/whoever needs it, gets it. Sometimes I give money to the guy with the sign on the side of the road, sometimes I give it to a kid at school who asks for it, sometimes I treat a friend to a sushi dinner. Then there was the root canal...who plans for those??? I always manage to make way or another. There is this 4-day leadership seminar that I really wanted to go to, but couldn't swing until NOvember ...somehow I am going this month.
I just don't have a big reserve. I couldn't go to Vegas this weekend if I wanted to...well....I guess I COULD--but you know what I mean, don't you?
And all this, and I haven't really even done much for Katrina relief. That weighs heavily on my mind, too. (I'm not a ditz, I swear--but did you notice the font change? I inadvertently hit some key and now we have this)
I don't think that worrying is productive. I know I've got to do something. I'm thinking this class will give me an idea about a different more profitable path. as Cindy Lauper says..."money changes everything"...I don't know about all that.
Damn, I'm rambling.
I was bawling my head off this morning.
After my Kiwanis meeting(which, next week ends my yearlong tenure as Club President) I was on my way to work. Almost there. And then, there she was. The cutest kitten. all black with white little feet. trotting out into the road. Busy street. Saw her in my rear view window. Rolling, but back on her feet. not even six months old. Zooming through my mind that I am so allergic to cats now that Macy is gone (had her for 14 years) but I'll go get this kitty and take her home with me today. I couldn't find a turn around place. there was so much damned traffic. I found a street and pulled off. It was a long way back up to where she was. I hope she didn't run off. How would I find her? Then I saw her. little limp baby kitty in the road. (Of course I'm crying right now.) I went out there and scooped her up. Not flattened. but clearly dead. shoulders heaving. tears streaming down. I laid her on the median, then decided I couldn't just leave her there. so I scooped her back up again and carried her back to my car. I drove with her in one hand. nobody to hear me sobbing over the radio. I couldn't leave her in the car all day. my friend malinda, the school nurse, had a shoebox for some reason, so I lined it with papertowels. I couldn't leave her in the car all day. don't get grossed out. even if you do. she's been here in the box, in the book case behind my desk all morning. In an hour it'll be lunch time, I guess I'll go home and bury her. Nobody knows she's here, but me, you and Malinda.
I wonder what gift we had for each other; little kitty and I.
I wonder why I was crying so hard.
I'm ok now. Not really even sad. Just wondering.
's Friday. I've got all weekend to figure it out.
missed you...

You think I'm a kook, don't you?

Thursday, September 01, 2005

to blog or not to blog

sorry, I've been remiss...I just haven't made blog time lately. I can't read many of these from work, due to content, and I have actually been keeping quite busy...I don't love you any less--and I HAVE been missing you.
I'll be at my Mom's this weekend...probably lots of computer time~
See ya soon!
